Please include any important information about your case, such as the following:
- amount you paid
- any emails
- banking information (hers and yours, even if hers is now closed)
- receipts
- communication with her
- phone numbers
- emails
- websites
- business names and addresses.
Please keep a copy of all documents related to this case in a safe place. A good suggestion would be to scan or take a pic of the documents and upload them to Google Drive or on a thumb drive.
If you have filed a police report, great! Please include the police report number in the complaint. If you have not filed a police report, please do so.
You can also contact your local FBI field office to find out what the next steps might be.
The more people who file, the better.
You can also file a complaint >>here<< . Please submit the same information as above, including the police report number.
You should also file a fraud case with your state's Attorney General. They are helpful in these cases and can and will investigate.
More ways you can bring awareness to Shaunda Beatty's scamming ways is to file a complaint the the Better Business Bureau, leave negative reviews on Yelp, Google (if her business are still registered), RipOff Report, make sure you hashtag her name on social media, @ her on Twitter. This may cause her to shut down these pages, but she don't need to be running fraudulent businesses anyway.
Comment if you have more questions.