Saturday, September 14, 2019

Important Information to report Shaunda Beatty

The following is the link where you should file a complaint against Shaunda Beatty through the FBI.


Please include any important information about your case, such as the following:  

  • amount you paid
  • any emails 
  • banking information (hers and yours, even if hers is now closed) 
  • receipts 
  • communication with her
  • phone numbers 
  • emails
  • websites
  • business names and addresses.

Please keep a copy of all documents related to this case in a safe place. A good suggestion would be to scan or take a pic of the documents and upload them to Google Drive or on a thumb drive.

If you have filed a police report, great! Please include the police report number in the complaint. If you have not filed a police report, please do so.

You can also contact your local FBI field office to find out what the next steps might be.

The more people who file, the better.


You can also file a complaint >>here<< . Please submit the same information as above, including the police report number.

You should also file a fraud case with your state's Attorney General. They are helpful in these cases and can and will investigate. 

More ways you can bring awareness to Shaunda Beatty's scamming ways is to file a complaint the the Better Business Bureau, leave negative reviews on Yelp, Google (if her business are still registered), RipOff Report, make sure you hashtag her name on social media, @ her on Twitter. This may cause her to shut down these pages, but she don't need to be running fraudulent businesses anyway. 

Comment if you have more questions.


Shaunda Beatty is a serial scammer!!!! 



Shaunda Beatty opens up multiple business, all which require your very sensitive and personal information of some sort (SSN, DOB, address, tax information, income, business information, credit card information) to engage in fraudulent activity!!!!

Shaunda Beatty's latest scam was similar to a Ponzi Scheme, in which people, looking for business funding, gave her money and she promised them funding. While it is never a good idea to engage in such a deal, people have been doing this for years and it has never paid off. (Bernie Madoff anyone?)

Shaunda Beatty promised to deliver funds to these people but when she failed to deliver, she blamed some guy in Houston who owns a trucking company called Washington Empire. I won't say the guy's name, since he is allegedly behind this but nothing has been verified for any roads to point to him. And since Shaunda Beatty is a compulsive liar, for all we know, she lying on this man. 

Shaunda Beatty, you might have thought the "Worst Thing I Ever Did S1E1 The Snitch" was snitch on your baby daddy some 25 years-30 years ago, but this might tie it. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Are you Big Mad or nah? Shaunda Beatty you can report until your fat fingers fall off...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Shaunda Beatty actually shut down 1 Stop Financial because

2 companies SUED her!!!!

A company called Last Chance Funding sued her in Nassau County, NY court and won a judgment against her.  Click >>here<< to see the docket information

Another company called Green Capital Funding also sued her in Westchester County, NY and won a judgment against her. Click >>here<< to see the docket information.

What more proof do you need that she is a certified scammer?!

As you can see, Shaunda Beatty is a CERTIFIED FRAUD!!!! She LOVES a lavish life at the expense of others!!! Don't let her run the long con on you because she has been doing this for over 30 years! She is a PRO! 

Let's put a stop to her criminal activity once and for all!!! 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Shaunda Beatty has been reporting posts on the Instagram accounts to keep her scamming ways from being known

She has also tried reporting this blog several times. 

This blog has been mirrored 3 more times with the EXACT SAME POSTS!!!! So just know we not going nowhere and we are going to keep our feet on your neck until you are behind bars where you belong Shaunda Beatty!!! 

Shaunda Beatty thought her past wasn't going to catch up with her

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Shaunda Beatty is a SNITCH!!!! Worse Thing I Ever Did Season 1 Episode 1

So it turns out, Shaunda Beatty is not only a scammer, but she is a snitch!!! A BIG TIME SNITCH!!!! A rat, a snake, a vindictive, spiteful blabbermouth!!!

On the episode of Worse Thing I Ever Did, Season 1 Episode 1Shaunda Beatty confessed out of her own lying mouth that she snitched on her drug dealing baby daddy, Ray Fletcher, which got him 20 years in prison.

All because she thought he didn't see about their dead baby. Well, it turns out, he did see about his dead baby and her spiteful, hateful, vindictive ass got him sent away. Not only that, she snitched on a gang called the Florida Boys, who apparently were big in Knoxville at the time! We're not sure of their whereabouts, but Shaunda Beatty has been scamming since Reagan was President and New Jack Swing was hot on the radio!!!!

Let's do her like she did him and get her locked up for 20 years! Put a stop to her scamming once and for all!!! 

You can watch the show, "Worse Thing I Ever Did" Season 1 Episode 1 The Snitch >>here<< (sign in using your cable provider credentials)

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Reward up to $4000 for any information or tips on Shaunda Beatty so she can pay for her crimes

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

It Is ILLEGAL to do credit repair in the state of Georgia!

So if your credit repair "expert" is registered in the state of Georgia, they are operating illegally! Some of them may name their credit repair business under the guise of something else, for example:  All Stop Financial, Everything Financial Consulting, 1 Stop Consulting, etc. (<---- example names, not real) and they may have other offerings in their business (e.g. tax preparation, business funding, alternative loans, etc) but credit repair is tangled up in there somewhere. If they are in the state of Georgia! Report them! 

Sunday, July 21, 2019


If someone disputes this information, they're most likely a scammer! 

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tradelines technically are not illegal...butttttt....

Tradeline brokers and credit repair scammers (the ones who do credit sweeps) are adding you as an authorized user on the credit cards of people who most likely don't even know you've been added to their credit card. However, there are people who will sell access to their credit card for tradeline brokers to buy/sell for the financially vulnerable. This practice is illegal, but it's rampant among scammers.

Don't get got!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Did you give Shaunda Beatty your Social Security Number?

Shaunda Beatty is an old scammer from way back in the 80s! You will learn why later! But here is some helpful information in the meantime to protect yourself in the event your identity is stolen, which is highly likely since she is a scammer and uses other people's tradelines on her credit reports. How are you going to be a credit repair "expert" and your own credit is f*cked up? Make that make sense! 

Here's what you can do to protect yourself against her fraudulent and criminal activity:

1️⃣ Call TransUnion, Experian and Equifax and let them know you want to add a fraud alert to your credit report because you think your SSN has been compromised
2️⃣ If you have ANY credit cards, call them to see if any authorized users have been added
3️⃣ Pull your credit reports (You can get a free copy if you've been a victim of identity theft 😉)
4️⃣ Go through your credit reports and check for any new addresses or new inquiries as she may be and have been trying to apply for things in your name
5️⃣Monitor your credit and credit cards for at least 6 months-1 year

Friday, July 12, 2019

We have been given permission to repost from the IG account

since Shaunda Beatty wants to keep reporting post and the account.

What's wrong Shaunda Beatty? Don't want people to know you are a scammer? Are the people you scammed stopping your stolen bags?

You deserve EVERYTHING that bad that happens to you, including going to prison!

Hope you're having a sh*tty birthday you scamming fraud!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

If you or anybody you know, have been a victim of Shaunda Beatty, please post in the comments or call in 678-505-0255

Shaunda Beatty has scammed too many people to let her get away with it! She has scammed over $1Million dollars from over 100 people and counting. The more people who come forward, the stronger the case against her!